about my coaching

the journey


  • Certified CoActive Professional Coach

  • Key Staff Partner to the Executive Team of Co-Active Training Institute

  • 500-hrs accredited YTT- Yoga and Meditation Teacher Training (cumulative)

  • Reiki Level I and II Certification

  • Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health Workshop Facilitation Certification


Coach | Facilitator | Teacher

Wouldn’t take nothing for my journey now - Maya Angelou”

My office spaces have ranged from movie set and glass-walled office to yoga retreat center, and these days, a rustic beach bungalow.

I moved on from playing it safe for 20+ years as an executive with the Screen Actors Guild to applying the art of calculated risks by leaving to explore other possibilities. I believe there are no accidents when we allow intuition, our gut-sense, to guide our life choices.  My travel, yoga, writing experience and a passion for photography all inform my Co-Active Coaching approach:

Co-Active coaching is based on the premise that we are all creative, resourceful and whole. We’ve all experienced our intuition in action. However, our inclinations can be easier to discern when we’re in a more detached state of curiosity and carefree play.

From this vantage, I founded Journey.

It is inspired by the bold pursuit of big things (dreams and goals), the gentle guidance to go within (inner growth), and the rich metaphors for rewriting our story with focus on what truly matters in our mind, heart, and values. 


my story

From the viewpoint of this rooftop, I could tell you my entire story.

After 20+ years, I resigned from a comfortable career. I knew that if I didn’t leave soon, I might never try. Nothing at work was terribly wrong, but inside I was slipping away. No longer content to settle, I knew my life was meant for something more, but what, I wasn’t exactly sure.

Finally free and following my nose, I worked for a while as a writer and yoga instructor, relishing a strong sense of personal agency, but struggling with isolation and – not gonna lie – financial security.  That’s how I came up with the idea of working for a remote organization at a time when – pre-pandemic – most work-from-home opportunities were centered around low-wage customer service or sought-after niche skills.

With a dogged persistence that has both plagued and propelled me all of my life, I was offered a part-time remote administrative position with a global non-profit, but asked to be hired full-time with benefits, and then promoted to assistant to the CEO. A year later, I was traveling the world with my boss to conferences and board meetings and landed an all-expenses-paid trip to Lisbon.

On the weekend, I took a train to the small seaside village of Cascais. A friend had recommended a local restaurant that I found right away, quaint and charming with outdoor seating overlooking the town square. But it was also a tad too easy to find, a little too close to the thrum of tourist activity. My stomach rumbled with hunger but my gut fluttered with curiosity to see what else was ahead. I turned west toward the sea for a sense of direction, and from there, followed parallel streets further away from town.

That’s how I found the cafe. I couldn’t not find it. I couldn’t turn away from the parlor chairs and walls painted as bright as Cascais’ sky and sun. I was compelled to wander past the table rows to poke my head into a back stairwell and explore.

And there, without fanfare or forewarning, was a rooftop lounge overlooking all of Cascais, the wide expanse of the Atlantic Ocean and maybe, I thought, every career step leading to this moment. The impulse to stay here, to savor this view, was as strong as the one to leave my starched suit job. I unpacked my sketch pad and drawing pencils from my bag, sank into an overstuffed lounge chair, and delayed whatever plans I had to explore the town.

But that’s not the ending. It never is.

Three months later, my boss resigned and my position supporting her was eliminated. I left with a generous severance and an intention to continue the relationship with a coach I’d met briefly through my work team.

She held a container for unexpected tears and redirected me to my strengths when my confidence slipped. While I insisted on pursuing the familiar, looking for a similar job - STAT, my trust in her allowed me to yield to her gentle detour into deeper territory. Together, we explored my personal values, passions, and dreams.

 I’d been too afraid to venture out alone beyond the town center, so to speak — the default career, relationship, or lifestyle choices we make when we settle, either because of fear or confusion. But through coaching, I could travel to the edges, where my authentic self was hanging out, soaking up the sky and sun.

From this peak perspective, what I saw was a deeply compassionate and creative person who valued:

leadership and service

↣ self-compassion and inner strength

↣ creativity and commitment

↣ individual connection and curiosity about the world

The coaching I experienced and the values I cultivated were the very thing I wanted to channel into the world. I’d found my north star, and it guided me to intensive training with the Co-Active Training Institute.

Over the course of this lifetime of committed work, creative detours, and spiritual service, I found my mission: 

To help guide you to your inner leader, the one who is wise beyond words and ready to design a life full of purpose and self-love.

 Your personal pathway is the source of all your treasures, and the road never has to be walked alone.

 Let’s take this journey together.


“We are all just walking each other home” - Ram Dass